Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today - The Dome of The Rock

It is just after 6:00 AM Thursday morning here in Jerusalem - 10:00 PM Wednesday in Oklahoma.  We are leaving soon to go back the old city. When we return - about 9:00 AM Thursday in Oklahoma - we will share our day with you.  Norm and David are doing a great job showing us the sacred places in church history.  Norm, Bob, and Janice have provided us with very inspiring sermons.  Most are posted on this site for you to watch and hear.  A couple of the sermons need editing to get them down to the time limitations.  We hope to get them posted tonight.  One, Norm in the Garden of Gethsemane is very special.

Signed "The Family"  (what David calls us.)

1 comment:

Jere said...

Dear "Family" ... Oh to see that Dome and know it's history from the Christian perspective. Same site but different stories from different religions! The entire area and the description of how the temple complex was laid out is really something to know. To have a visual of the different "chambers" and how they played a part in the temple life helps complete a story we have only imagined before. Remember .... no hand holding ... no signs of affection allowed. Don't know if you will be able to go inside the Dome bldg. but if you do ... imagine Abraham in Genesis 22:2-13. Just as God provided for Abraham w/insight into His love ... God will provide new insights for you while you are there. Take it all in and hold it firmly in your thoughts! <>< Jere Litchenburg