Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Night In Old Jerusalem


Anonymous said...

I see me dad in the group photos. Could you say "Happy Father's Day" to Jewell Garrison for me. thanks, Trent

Jere said...

Normal & Kipp! How wonderful that you are still making this pilgrimage and enabling our group from Church of the Servant to experience our faith in a whole new, and broader way! May God give each of you the stamina to tackle each site with that awe-inspiring, spirit-filling, experience that reinforces what our hearts have known but have not touched in real life! We still, to this day, treasure our time there ... yes, with you in '98! It was the trip of a lifetime! Someday we hope to go back .. but until then ... thanks for leading and guiding our group (along w/Robert & Prudy) so that others can see, touch, & learn all that is possible in this time there. God bless.
Jere Litchenburg <><