Sunday, June 26, 2011

Retreat From The Desert and Up The Jordan River To Tiberias

We have arrived at Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee, where we will spend the next three nights.  The temperature is much better and the death of the desert has given way to green plants, trees and bananas. The internet is so slow here it is almost impossible to upload the images.  I will find an alternative pipeline in the morning.

Sea of Galilee

On The Road

David Assael Lecturing At Beit She'an
NOTICE: Images and audio of this video may not be used for commercial purposes without the written consent of David Assael

Beit She'an Ruins

1 comment:

Jere said...

Oh, what a day you have had. To see the ruins, Tiberius, the Sea of Galilee. How beautiful and blue the water looks. Doesn't it just take your breath away to think of your experience there ... yes, you are there in the very area where Jesus walked and talked with the people of his time. Another holy place and time for you! It brings back those memories for us, too! God bless you all. <>< Jere Litchenburg