Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bethlehem - David and Goliath - Samson

Janice Meese Preaching From A Mountain Top Overlooking Bethlehem

Bob Gorrell Preaching At The Site Where David Slayed Goliath

Bethlehem Photos

David and Goliath Photos 


Jere said...

Loving seeing all of you there! So many memories of our trip in '98! I see you have been to the Church of the Nativity and gone downstairs to see "the place" ... such a holy place and so accessible! May God open you eyes to see all you can about all the places you have heard of before but have not experienced. There is so much ahead of you. I wish we could be there with you. God give you peaceful and restorative rest to bolster you up each and every day to receive what He will show you!
Jere Litchenburg <><

Jere said...

Did you get your pebbles (rocks) from the site where David met Goliath ... not only met Goliath but slay him? One thing is for sure ... Israel is a place with stones! Stones of every size. We still have the stones we gathered there at that site, also stones from the headwaters of the Jordan River! Precious, precious stones to actually touch, hold & keep and we still look at and touch them here in our home. They (the stones) hold so much, too, within them. If only the the rocks would cry out to us and tell us what they have seen over the centuries! If David could conquer the fear-invoking Goliath with a few stones and the help of God (most important) ... then we, too, should be able to conquer our greatest fears. God bless you all! <>< Jere Litchenburg