Tuesday, June 28, 2011

To The Other Side

Janice Meese Preaching On The Sea Of Galilee

1 comment:

Jere said...

I see that you may have discovered the remains of the ancient boat ("Jesus boat") that was found when the level of the Sea of Galilee was at an extremely low level. God has a way of revealing what He wants, when He wants. How glorious for us that as it was so very well preserved by the mud, etc., that we are able to have it as a real and visible testament to the life and times of Jesus. I'm feel sure, having been there like you, that God has revealed things to you in--during this time. It may have been a light-bulb moment or just confirmation of something that you have held close ... all the same .. His timing is so perfect for you, for me, for all of us. God bless you. As the days come close for your departure, may His love for you, for the little state of Israel, for our own church, be evident in your hearts. <>< Jere Litchenburg