Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Long Return Begins From Tiberias

Tiberias 6:00 AM June 29, 2011

This morning, we begin the long trip back home.  On the way to Tel Aviv we will visit Nazareth. During the day, I will post what I can on the road.  I will speak with you again tonight from Tel Aviv.  The schedule for our return:

Depart Tel Aviv 12:30 AM Thursday (4:30 PM Wednesday in Oklahoma)

Arrive in Newark 5:10  AM EDT Thursday

Depart Newark 7:55 AM EDT Thursday

Arrive DFW 10:45 AM Thursday

Most of us Depart DFW at 12:00 Noon Thursday and arrive at OKC 12:55 PM Thursday

The rest - Coffey, Coyle, Craig, Gilstrap, Gorrell, Imke, Jessup, Meese, Millerborg, Mordy, Rector, Spring, and York - 
Depart DFW at 2:40 PM Thursday and arrive at OKC at 3:35 PM. Thursday

1 comment:

Jere said...

From both of us, Al & I, may God give each of you an easy trip back home. These are long flights and although you will have some energy left from your travel in Israel, somehow the transition from there to here will catch up. Praying our Father will be merciful to each of you and give you some rest on your flights and even more rest as you snuggle down into your own beds back here in Oklahoma. God bless each of you ... He has been with you all the way ... He will see you thru. <>< Jere Litchenburg