Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day Breaks Over The Dead Sea This Sunday Morning - June 26, 2011

Yesterday's torrid heat has temporarily subsided to 25 Celsius.  The morning air is refreshing.  It is 5:30 AM at the Dead Sea (9:30 PM Saturday in Oklahoma).  The sun is slowly coming up over the mountains of Jordan.  Soon, the unrelenting desert will be ablaze again.  Refreshed from being idle on the Jewish Sabbath, we are about to depart for the Sea of Galilee, via Jericho and up the Jordan River.  For most of us, every bend and every hill brings a new adventure.  More videos and photos for you when we arrive at the hotel this evening - about 9:00 AM Sunday morning in Oklahoma.

As we sing on the bus every morning - "This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made."



Anonymous said...

Ron - Thanks for sharing your trip with us. We are enjoying traveling along with you via our computer! Best wishes for a great rest of the trip and a safe journey home. Mary Ann Sanders

Jere said...

What glorious morning pictures of the Dead Sea. It may be void of life but the sky, water and surrounding area is alive with color! God brings about beauty in everything, doesn't He, but we must sometimes look hard (and early) to find it! May a refreshing breath of cooler temps come your way. It is very hot here in OK but we are inside. May God give you the stamina and energy to press on for all that awaits you. <>< Jere Litchenburg