Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Beginning Of A New Day In Tiberias - June 28, 2011

The heat of yesterday has relented temporarily.  The music and the crowd are now silent.  Only the sound of birds singing can be heard.  Refreshed from our night's rest, today we will go to "the other side" by boat - Just as Jesus did 2,000 years ago.

1 comment:

Jere said...

Trying to discern if this this a pic of Tiberius. I hate that the heat has been such an issue. Hopefully being by the water will in some way help. The Jesus Boat .. what a ride. I see clouds in the background of this pic and I'm reminded of the story about the storm on the sea and how David told us that the storms may come up quickly, over the mountains and cause the waters to become very turbulant. Jesus was familiar with that ... and Peter ... the test of faith for him .. he was turbulant in his faith for being able to walk on the water, too. These things remind of us of our own vulnerability .. the times we have tried to rely on our faith and the times we have fallen short and into merky waters. May our Father, thru your experience, remind you that He is always with us! God bless you <>< Jere Litchenburg